The true story of Malika Bellaribi, diva of the inner-city suburbs, French mezzo-soprano with Algerian roots. In the 1960s, when only a young girl, she survived a serious road accident. During her long and painful convalescence, nursed by the nuns of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, she discovers music and sacred song...
Directed by: Christian Faure (France, 2020)
Screenplay: Mikaël Ollivier, Christian Faure, based on the book by Malika Bellaribi-Le Moal
Cast: Amel Bent (Malika), Naidra Ayadi (Fatima), Mhamed Arezki (Mohamed), Stéphane Rideau (Christian), Théo Frilet (Paul), Laurence Joseph (Gabrielle)
Genre: drama