No upcoming broadcast (for now).
The action unfolds in the autumn of 1915. Wounded in the trenches, Simon and some of his friends are transferred to a hospital far from the front line. This hospital, located on a peninsular in Brittany, a world of rock and sand under a blue sky and close to the sea, is just about as far away from the rest of the world as anyone could hope to get. Here, wounds can heal and men learn to live their lives, their desires and their dreams once again. A place where they can convalesce for a few weeks or months, before most of them are sent back to the war. Simon meets Marthe, a young teacher who is part of these broken men's lives. He falls head over heels in love with her, until that fateful moment arrives when he must return to the horror of the trenches.
Directed by: Jean-Loup Hubert (France, 1997)
Cast: Clotilde Courau (Marthe), Guillaume Depardieu (Simon), Gérard Jugnot (Henri), Bernard Giraudeau (the colonel), Thérèse Liotard (Rose Bireau), Serge Riaboukine (Lucien)
Genre: drama