Mourir sur scène
No upcoming broadcast (for now).
Death on stage
During a concert tour by the pop stars Nelly & Sky, a guitarist dies, crushed by a spotlight. But the real target was Sky himself, as proved by a second attempted murder soon afterwards. To protect the star, Gréco insists on Beretta taking over as guitarist for the following concerts.
Directed by: Nicolas Picard-Dreyfuss (season 3, France, 2021)
Scenario: Éliane Montane, Thomas Mansuy, based on the work of Agatha Christie
Cast: Arthur Dupont (Max Beretta), Émilie Gavois-Kahn (Annie Gréco), Chloé Chaudoye (Rose Bellecour), Benoît Moret (Jacques Blum), Quentin Baillot (Servan Legoff), Thomas VDB (Rico), Louka Meliava (Sky)
Genre: detective