No upcoming broadcast (for now).
A former reputed lawyer, Simon Marchand is now discredited. He is called on for the trial of a woman accused of killing a child. She put the end to the suffering of her severely disabled daughter. Without seeking to clear her name, he wholeheartedly throws himself into defending her.
Directed by: Leslie Gwinner (France, 2023)
Screenplay by: Samuel Le Bihan, Charlotte Pons, Julien Guérif
Cast: Samuel Le Bihan (Simon Marchand), Martine Chevallier (Irène Sainthier), Natacha Régnier (Elsa Sainthier), Jérémy Barrière (Zachary Marchand), Mitty Hazanavicius (Flora Marchand), Raphaëlle Rousseau (counsel for the prosecution)
Genre: drama