PALACE SUR SCENE -EP001-12/09/2020
No upcoming broadcast (for now).
1986. The producer Christian Fechner discusses a possible project with Jean-Michel Ribes, a special comedy programme, something spectacular, along the lines of the American shows. The idea that emerges is of a luxury hotel, with all its absurdities and craziness. "Palace" was born. Today the show continues on stage...
Directed and staged by: Jean-Michel Ribes (France, 2019)
Adaptation: Jean-Michel Ribes, Jean-Marie Gourio
Based on the TV series "Palace", whose creation also involved: Jean-Michel Ribes, Jean-Marie Gourio, Roland Topor, Georges Wolinski, Willem, Gébé, François Rollin, François Morel, Jean-Luc Trotignon
Cast: Salim Bagayoko, Joséphine de Meaux, Salomé Dienis-Meulien, Mikaël Halimi, Magali Lange, Jocelyn Laurent, Philippe Magnan, Karina Marimon, Gwendal Marimoutou, Coline Omasson, Thibaut Orsoni...