News & Current Affairs

Le dessous des cartes

( Season 2024 )
International relations analysed using geography maps, which are vital to understanding the world in which we live and the challenges it presents.

Presented by: Émilie Aubry.


Le Dniepr : un fleuve dans la guerre Russie-Ukraine
The Dnieper: a river in the war between Russia and Ukraine

Central to current affairs since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Dnieper River is both a front line and a strategic hub in the war. From its source in Russia, to the Black Sea, it passes through Byelorussia, Kyiv and Zaporizhzhia...

Presented by: Émilie Aubry.
Sinai: a desert between Egypt and Gaza

At the southern end of the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula covers more than 60,000 km2. This "grey area" is home to every imaginable traffic, armed jihadist groups, networks of tunnels and a localised war between the Egyptian army and Islamist militants.

Presented by: Émilie Aubry.
When the sea rises: a global challenge

Rising sea-levels are one of the consequences of climate change that will change the map of the world. Different countries are trying to adapt, using varied strategies. From Shanghai to Tuvalu, from megacities to tiny islands, we visit some of the most vulnerable coastlines and the solutions they have invented.

Presented by: Émilie Aubry.